Chapter 5
Throwing and Scoring Techniques

Inner Ankle Throw

This technique in Judo is referred to as Ouchi-Gari. Stand facing your opponent with your feet about shoulder width apart and toes pointing slightly outwards. Hold his right jacket sleeve close to the elbow joint with your left hand and use your right hand to grasp his left jacket lapel. To practice, your partner should grip your jacket in a similar manner. After obtaining the grasp, begin to tilt his upper body towards you. He should oppose the pulling action by bending his legs and leaning backwards.

Step forward with your right foot and place it between his feet, then quickly bring your left foot forward, placing it just behind your right heel with the toes turned outwards. Slightly bend your left leg and support the weight of your body on it. Lift your right foot from between his feet and press the back of your right calf against the back of his left calf. At the completion of these movements the right side of your body should be nearest to your opponent. Change the pulling motion of your right hand into a downward push towards his right heel while leaning forward as you bend him over backwards (Figure). Use your right lower leg to hook his left lower leg forward, compelling him to fall backwards.

Inner Ankle Throw

It's important while practicing this throw (or any other throw for that matter) that you do not complete the throw to the mat. Simply stepping in and lifting your practice partner will be sufficient to learn the technique. Constant throwing, except to a thick throwing mat, will likely cause problems with your practice partner.