Chapter 5
Throwing and Scoring Techniques

Ankle Sweep

This technique in Judo is referred to as Okuriashiharai. This move is described in two parts. The first part is mainly concerned with the breaking of your partner's balance while the second part deals chiefly with the throwing action.

Start the move while facing one another, holding each other's jackets with the basic sleeve and lapel grip. Move slowly sideways to your left, forcing your opponent to move in the same direction as you, hopefully by stepping outwards to his right. A less skilled opponent may even make the elementary mistakes of bringing his left foot too close to his right or going up on to his toes.

After a couple of paces to your left, prepare yourself to tilt your opponent's upper body over his left leg on the third pace, just prior to when his left foot is brought up to his right foot. This action is achieved by pulling at his jacket towards his left ear with your hands and at the same time bending and straightening your left leg. Tensing the muscles of your stomach adds power to the movements. With the completion of these actions your oppontnt should be lifted up on to his toes (Figure 1). In Judo, this movement is called a "floating action".

Ankle Sweep Setup

On breaking your opponent's balance on the third step bring the sole of your right foot against the outside of his left ankle. Sweep his left leg to your left, keeping the little toe of your right foot nearest the mat and your right leg almost straight. When making this sweeping action with your right foot, keep it as close to the mat as possible by lowering your right hip and inclining your upper body over and to the right (Figure 2).

Ankle Sweep Throw

As soon as this compound action causes your partner to fall to the mat, glide him on to his back while retaining his grip on your right sleeve with his left hand. You should keep the grip which you have on his left jacket lapel with your right hand in order to fully score on the throw.